Well yes, that is pretty disgusting! My heart just went out to that kitten! (Cuterebra Larva removal) I chose to add this video as the Bot Fly tends to be around rabbits and rodent nests. And we have those bunnies all over our yard in the early hours of the morning come early spring. I have even found a nest in our yard. From what I have read, they tend to be a more late summer/fall issue, however, in the past years we have had some really heavy fly infestations including really BIG flies that were aggressive. They would bite you! I had never heard of this before, but I thought about our dogs, running around the yard and perhaps stuffing their face down a bunny nest hole or warren. These flies lay their eggs around that area, ad your pet could end up with the larva looking for a host and burying itself under your dogs skin. If you suspect one you will see a small hole and likely a lump. The larva actually comes up to breathe and if you watch really closely, you can see movement. While you can remove it at home, it is much better to have your vet do it. You don't want any part of that thing left inside your pet. They should also have an antibiotic and if that hole is large enough, can require a stitch or two. The vet will often administer a light sedative so he can remove that disgusting thing from your pet. The things you learn about when you least expect to run across it! Sorry you cute little bunnies, but you are not taking up residence in OUR yard!